You Care beyond Consultation. You care for outcomes

You treat your patients with deep care and expertise. You want your patients to get the right care at home. You want to ensure positive patient outcomes.


Extend your follow-up care to your patients

Ubiqare offers you your own active follow-up care infrastructure. It combines digital mobility health technology, your own care protocols, our doctors as your physician assistants and our last-mile network of skilled medics in one complete solution. With Ubiqare platform you can retain your remote patients under your care and control the patient outcomes.

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Care Continuity+

We work as one team to extend your care away from hospital. Your involvement elevates the quality of care to a hospital-like level. We manage episodes at home to prevent avoidable hospital visits.


Our care doctors are certified in palliation and supportive care. Our digitized workflows relate to physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of care.


Our care doctors win your trust and align with your practice. Our last-mile network of medics is trained in techniques you recommend. We offer doctor-driven care with our collaboration model.


Our Collaborative Clinical Telepresence platform is more than technology. It embeds your care protocol, aligns your chartered team of trusted clinicians and keeps your remote patient engaged under your care.

Partner with Ubiqare to extend follow-up care.

Stay actively connected with your patients during the follow-up stages. You will win their trust. You will gain outreach to remote places.


Why Choose Ubiqare?

You treat your patients with great expertise in their acute illness. We help you extend the same care and expertise to your patients at home through technology and coordinated services.
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